Archive: TD100

NEW PRODUCT: TEE Probe Enzymatic Sponge

Phoenix Airmid Biomedical is pleased to now offer TEEZyme™ – TEE Probe Enzymatic Sponges – as a quick and effective pre-treatment for your TEE probes.

TEEZyme™ TEE Probe Enzymatic Sponges are uniquely contoured to fit around the outside sheath of TEE probes.  Each super absorbent TEEZyme™ sponge is pre-saturated with Endozime® Bio-Clean solution, to provide a quicker, more thorough pre-cleaning.  Endozime® Bio-Clean solution is a neutral pH, multi-tiered enzymatic detergent.  It is specifically formulated to remove gross contaminants while targeting the polysaccharides in biofilm.  Endozime® Bio-Clean solution is an ideal pre-treatment for your TEE probes and helps ensure effective high level disinfection with the TD100® Disinfector and TD-5® Disinfectant solution.

TEEZyme™ sponges guarantee even dispersal of the Endozime® Bio-Clean solution over the entire TEE probe surface and ensure sufficient contact time for the detergent to break down contaminants and biofilm.

For more information, please call 1 866 718 0515 or email info@phoenixairmid.comTEEZyme_singlesponge

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TD100: When was the last time you cleaned your J-Tube Screen?

Preventative Maintenance of the TD100.

Cleaning the J-Tube Screen.

Your TD100 TEE Probe Disinfector requires very little maintenance activity to ensure a long lifetime of probe disinfections. One part is a regularly scheduled program of cleaning the J-Tube Screen. Cleaning the J-Tube Screen every 3-6 months (depending on usage) can help avoid downtime with your TD100. By removing the J-Tube Screen from the TD100 and then flushing the J-Tube screen with warm water, you will remove built-up grime and particulate matter and avoid potential downtime.

Avoid TD100 down time. Clean your J-tube Screen every 3-6 months.


For detailed instructions on how to clean the J-Tube Screen in your TD100, please contact us at

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