Archive: Food Intolerance

May is National Food Allergy Awareness month in Canada.

With May being the National Food Allergy Awareness month in Canada, we thought it was the perfect time to share some information regarding the details of immediate versus delayed food allergies.

Currently, the majority of food allergy information centres around the classical type I (immediate) IgE-mediated hypersensitivity. However there is a growing body of literature that describes another type of immune response, a delayed  IgG-mediated immune response to food antigens.

An IgE allergy produces a rapid histamine response that in some cases can be fatal. Common IgE food allergies are peanut, milk, soy, and tree nut allergies. Whereas, IgG-mediated immune responses can be delayed up to 72 hours after ingestion. This type III hypersensitivity is linked to leaky gut syndrome, an increased permeability of the intestinal membrane associated with intestinal infection, antibiotics, drugs/medications, alcohol, stress, and poor diet.  IgG antibodies bind to food antigens that pass through the permeable intestinal membrane to form circulating immunocomplexes.  When in excess, these immunocomplexes can deposit in tissues triggering an inflammatory response.  The symptoms of type III hypersensitivity are diverse and can affect a variety of systems in the human body, often resulting in chronic conditions that are misdiagnosed  and unresponsive to traditional therapies. Common symptoms include joint pain, migraines, fatigue, digestive problems (including IBS, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, etc.) and skin disorders, among others.   However these symptoms can often be reversed or reduced by eliminating certain “problem” foods from your diet.  Food IgG testing is an excellent tool to identify these problem foods.

Phoenix Airmid Biomedical is pleased to offer the FoodPrint Microarray 200+ Food IgG test from Cambridge Nutritional Sciences.  With over 220 different food antigens, personalized results, patient guidebooks, recipes and grocery shopping tips,  the FoodPrint Microarray test can help you get healthy and manage your food sensitivities.

Visit or for more details.  Click here for a video on Gamma-Dynacare’s food intolerance testing using the FoodPrint Microarray.
May is National Food Allergy Awareness month in Canada.  Visit the Health Canada  website for information and tips on avoiding common allergens in food.

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