Q: Where can I find product information?
General product information can be found on our website: www.phoenixairmid.com.
If you would like more detailed information or information on pricing please contact one of our experienced product specialists at 1 (866) 718-0515.
Q: Where can I find Health Canada licensing information?
For an active license listing, visit Health Canada Medical Device Active License Listing (MDALL) – once you arrive at the site, click on “Active License Search”. Or, please contact a Phoenix Airmid Biomedical product specialist for details on product licensing.
Q: How do I place an order?
Orders can be placed via phone, fax or email using a purchase order or credit card. You will be asked to provide the following information:
- Contact Information
- Product Information (Catalogue Number and Quantity)
- Quote Number (if applicable)
- Ship To/Bill To Addresses
- Purchase Order or Credit Card Number
Phoenix Airmid Biomedical Contact Information:
Email: info@phoenixairmid.com
Phone: 1 (866) 718-0515
Fax: (905) 825-9795
Q: How long will it take for me to receive product?
Turnaround time is typically dependent on available stock quantities. Expected date of delivery will be specified on your sales order confirmation. Expedited shipment can be requested and will be accommodated whenever possible.
Q: What do I do if there is a problem with the product?
If you receive damaged product or observe a problem with incorrect handling during shipping or deviation from the product’s performance specifications, contact Phoenix Airmid Biomedical Technical Support immediately at 1-866-718-0515. Phoenix’s Technical Support prides itself on superior customer service and will work with you towards a resolution as quickly as possible.
In cases where a product must be returned, Phoenix Airmid Biomedical Technical Support will provide you with a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number and all relevant documentation to facilitate the return process.